4 misconceptions of Marketing Automation! 😲

Hrik Sinha
2 min readMay 10, 2021

If you are thinking that E-mail marketing is the only automation tool is present in the era of Digital Marketing I think you should read this 👇😃

What is Marketing Automation? 👇

Marketing automation is the process of making repetitive marketing tasks automated with the help of tools & software. It helps to collect user information or data, analyses data accurately and saves time on monotonous tasks.

The system is great for small & big businesses alike — It works with as little manpower as possible. It’s efficient and reliable

4 misconceptions of Marketing Automation :😲

#1: Marketing Automation Requires Zero Human Intervention 👇

Automation makes existing processes more efficient, however, it is not free of human intervention. Automation’s merit is in doing things that humans can’t do, like customize at scale efficiently. However, it takes the human mind to determine what to do when, and the systems require human intervention to take data from the system and iterate on it.

Pro-tip: Always stay on top of technological advancements to make the best use of Marketing Automation tools for your business.

#2: Marketing Automation is not equal to Email Marketing 👇

Email Marketing was the first channel to be automated, yes. However, it’s not the only collateral that’s automated.

Most aspects of digital marketing can be automated — copywriting, proofreading, media buying, targeting, etc. It also works across all channels — push notifications, text messages, & social media.

#3: Marketing Automation is a Trend we might see in coming Years👇

Marketing automation is not a prediction. Several businesses and industries have already adopted marketing automation.

A survey in 2015 by Apteco Ltd. showed that 30% of survey participants reported some form of implementation of marketing automation software. While the implementation has been steady, there is still time for new marketers to learn these skills.

#4: Marketing Automation is an Expensive Affair 👇


Marketing Automation is affordable for all types of businesses. There are enough options in the market to meet your needs without overshooting your budgetary constraints.

Salesforce.com set a precedent in the SaaS space by making CRM software for everyone at affordable prices. With increased demand, marketing automation software has become cheaper to use and accessible to even the smallest businesses.

For Example :




Thank you for reading

Cheers !!!!



Hrik Sinha

Product designer • I love to talk about design psychology, life, technology • Proactive learner